To your dear soul

It’s been nearly two years and you eventually visited me in my sleep.

I really felt the connection. It was so real. But I felt like it was hard for you to come through and communicate at that frequency.
There were so many other people around. Giving gifts and money.
I looked up.
And walking toward me from my 1 o’clock – There you were Les, finally.

I was surprised.
But you didn’t say anything.
Your face was calm and almost expressionless, neutral.

I said “I didn’t think you were gonna come”
You still didn’t respond in words.
Your hair was long and very dark and you rested your head on my left shoulder and hugged me.
I put my arms around you and you put your arms under mine and your hands flat against my back. I feel like we stood as one.

And we stayed like that for a while. Or a moment. Or forever.
All I felt was relief.

I felt that you were tired as if it took a lot for you to get to me. And all you could do was hug me… but not talk.

But that’s alright. That’s all I needed. It’s all you needed. And I think that’s all you could manage too.
When everything comes through to me in my dreams I wondered why you couldn’t. I didn’t want to lose faith in something I believe in with all my heart.

I convinced myself your soul had other more important work to do. And now I know that was true.

Soul connection at a higher frequency is something I have always believed in. With people on earth and beyond. Because I’ve experienced it and it’s an absolute truth for me… so it bothered me that you hadn’t. But at the same time I also knew you so well, and I know your soul is a young one and I think moving into different frequencies to communicate takes experience. Possibly even a lot of practice on the other side.
I felt as though it took a lot of work and focus for you to come through to me.

But YOU came.
YOU came when you were ready.
And I was more than ready too.

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