There’s no other way to recognise World Environment Day🌎 without talking about our Nyanga Hiking Club. There have been so many precious moments. We have collaborated since November 2020 to get these beautiful children out into nature once a month. The healing, empowering power of nature beyond the limitations of the environments we are born into.

It’s very VERY important to me to share the message that even though we are blessed in Cape Town to be surrounded by beautiful nature, an outdoor adventure is not free.
Transport is our biggest cost. Resources such as water, fruit, sandwiches, snacks and juice are either donated or bought from the donations we gather. Our volunteers consist of experienced hikers, generous with their free time, with a shared commitment.
Thank you to my family and friends who contribute towards our special hiking group – guiding our children (OUR), giving them the opportunity to have these experiences.
Last week I was asked, “Who does Table Mountain belong to Dani?”
“It belongs to us. We are blessed to have it, hey. It gives us oxygen, exercise, sunshine and “free water”
So we need to keep it clean and protect it, right?”

We leave nothing behind but footprints and we learn how to take care of our environment and each other. These are the lessons our members practice every hike and the awareness and responsibility (=power) we as a club instil.
Join us! You’re invited!
Or start your own with a community of your choice. There is so much need. DM me. Happy to help!
Donate… Time or bucks!