I cry.

I cry during yoga

In the safety of my own home

I cry for everything and for nothing at all

I cry for everyone and no one
I cry for joy


Tears of frustration and
And a deeper
I know

I cry
And it feels like I’ll never stop
I’ll never recover
That it’s all too much

The flooding of
Comparison comparison comparison

To contentment

Break break breaking

Into wholeness

It all rushes out

I send love to those who hold me and cherish me
And remind me everyday that I’m so loved

And to those I love



who need me

and I need them just as much

I send love to those who have hurt me

Who I wish I could reach out to but

Still can’t

I cry for me
How I wish things could have been
And I cry for you
Cause I know you’re hurting too

And the divinity inside wraps her wings around me
As I sob

Into gratitude & relief

And as I hold myself
And start to catch my breath
I look up into the tree of grief

For all that’s been &Β  all that’s gone

and everyone that I’ve lost

Seeking out the precious little buds

Of what’s coming into bloom

This is life
As we cycle on through

Gathering strength from May’s flower full moon

And the glow of tears masks my face
And trickle down to rest upon my chest

I feel lighter
My skin is brighter

And all is well again.

I take a breath

Sunshine on my skin
As the shadows fall behind

I am here

And I am ready

I’m ready to smile


and I’m ready to shine

10 thoughts on “I cry.

  1. So beautiful…I wish for the same inner strength… it’s a journey, and those emotions come in waves. Thank you for sharing xx

  2. The world has changed, you capture this isolation, time looking in deeply, sewing the stitches feels painful, those tears from the years just Sears streaks that sizzle in hot skin that’s feverish from within,not cause your sick,but because your passion to connect is so genuine…and you did grin because you saw the faces when you closed your eyes,laughs,smiles.and like kintsugi-gold filled the cracks. Your tears watered your seeds for tomorrow.

    1. ❀️ ❀️ ❀️ Serious God-sent talent represented in just one comment ❀️ ❀️ ❀️

  3. Somehow, in all that, you look for,and find, joy. It is still something I aim for every day. It is something I have learnt from you.

    I’ve been wanting to put similar thoughts down into words but haven’t had the strength. Not physical. The rest.
    Thank you for your words. And for sharing πŸ’›πŸ’«πŸŒ³πŸŒ•πŸ’›

    1. ❀️ LOVE that it resonated with you. ESPECIALLY since we were both in that Kundalini class that unlocked this. X

  4. SO REAL. And btw, you not only inspire shine, you really shine Dani.

    I love you and your heart <3

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