The heart knows the answer.

A year ago, things hadn’t gone exactly as planned. In fact, ‘the plan’ crashed and burned in the most spectacular display of chain-smoking, shaking, shock and disbelief. And after an almost unhealthy dose of tears and disappointment for the loss of a fantasy, for the humiliation of having even taken such a blind risk for ‘love’, for having to face the failure. I remember repeatedly saying to myself “It’s just such bad timing!” (Right before my India trip!)
When I verbalised to a dear friend via a sobby WhatsApp message on the train to Heathrow, she responded with,
“Maybe the timing IS right.” 
And the penny dropped.

The timing WAS right.

The heartbroken setback propelled me into the most glorious spiritual comeback. 

I doubted “the process” of this journey. Because YES! the heart needs a moment to just FEEL it all. The highs and the lows… But I’ll never doubt it again. It couldn’t have happened in any other combination or string of events.

A year ago today, when I thought it had all fallen apart ~ it was in fact a massive turning point, the dramatic climax that every incredible narrative must have before resolution begins.
I remember posting the following words on Facebook as I checked-in to my London-Dehli flight. This narration from an India-based movie that moved me sooo deeply, that I cried through and scribbled down many years beforehand.
This collection of truths at some point had sung out to me in one way or another. And on this day, a year ago I knew a tremendous shift was happening. I knew this because each and every line was relevant to me at that moment in time. 

The penny settled onto the Heathrow International terminal floor:

The only real failure is the failure to try.
And the measure of success is how we cope with disappointment. As we always must. All of us, in our different ways.
We get up every morning, we do our best. Nothing else matters. 
But it’s also true that the person who risks nothing, does nothing; has nothing. 
All we know about the future is that it will be different. But, perhaps what we fear is that it will be the same. 
So, we must celebrate the changes. 
Because, as someone once said, 
“Everything will be all right in the end. And if it’s not all right, then trust me, it’s not yet the end.” 

~ The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

The heart knows the answer.

And I trust that.

When the heart isn’t clear. The soul’s knowing will eventually shine through.

I know that.

The Universe has a plan.

And I trust it.

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